What is the difference between HARDO X400 and Hardox 500
HARDOX 500 and HARDOX 400 are two grades of steel manufactured by SSAB, a Swedish steel manufacturer. The two grades are part of the company’s Hardox family of abrasion-resistant steel products. HARDOX 400 is intended for applications where an even balance of wear resistance and formability is desired. It is one of the most useful and cost-effective types of wear plate available. In contrast, HARDOX 500 is much harder and intended for applications requiring extreme wear resistance.
HARDOX 400 is a quenched and tempered steel and is typically used in construction and mining applications. It has a nominal hardness of 400 HBW, making it perfectly suited for moderate abrasive wear. The all-around performance of HARDOX 400 makes it suitable for applications such as tipper bodies, construction equipment and buckets, as well as wear parts for light machining, shovels, and excavators.
HARDOX 500, in comparison, has an even higher hardness of 500 HBW, and is primarily used for applications subjected to extreme wear, such as for construction and mining equipment, buckets, and crusher components. The steel is considerably tougher and more abrasion-resistant than HARDOX 400, making it ideal for applications requiring maximum wear resistance. It is also well suited for mining crusher components, among other applications.
In conclusion, HARDOX 400 and HARDOX 500 differ significantly in terms of hardness and wear resistance. HARDOX 400 is well suited for moderated abrasive wear, while HARDOX 500 is intended for extreme wear resistance and is best used in applications such as construction and mining equipment.