BBN supply chemical composition of NM450 heat treatment

chemical composition of NM450, NM360 wear-resistant plates have two wear resistance performance methods: one is high stress wear, and the other is chisel wear. For high-stress wear, NM360 wear-resistant plates require the surface of the liner to have the highest possible hardness to resist the pressure of abrasives. The scope of application of NM360 wear-resistant plates reduces the appearance of embrittlement and falling.

Flat steel is a kind of steel with rectangular cross-section and blunt edges at the edges and corners. It is usually 12-300 mm wide and 3-60 mm thick. Compared with chemical composition of NM450 ordinary steel plate, the utilization rate of flat steel is increased by one to five percentage points. Moreover, flat steel can be produced with fixed thickness, width and length according to the user's requirements, which saves the cutting process for users, reduces the consumption of labor and materials, and also reduces the processing loss of raw materials, saving time, labor and material.

Every customer who has visit us and witness the steel materials before delievry will be impressed by our quality control departemnt. Even not come to inspect the steel materials before delievry, our quality control departemnt will also send inspection report to the customer.

The effect of nitrogen on steel performance is similar to that of carbon and phosphorus. With the increase of chemical composition of NM450 nitrogen content, the strength of steel can be improved, plasticity especially toughness can be significantly reduced, weldability becomes worse, and cold brittleness is intensified. Nitrogen with aluminum, niobium, vanadium and other elements can reduce its adverse effects, improve the performance of chemical composition of NM450 steel, can be used as an alloying element of low alloy steel.


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  • Wear/Abrasion Resistant Steel Plate/Sheet
  • Wear/Abrasion Resistant Steel Plate/Sheet
  • Wear/Abrasion Resistant Steel Plate/Sheet
  • Wear/Abrasion Resistant Steel Plate/Sheet
  • Wear/Abrasion Resistant Steel Plate/Sheet