500 tons NM450 steel grade Indonesia Supplier

A633Gr.C,D steel plate A537CL1/A633Gr.C,D steel plate, under ASTM-SAE standard A537CL1/A633Gr.C,D steel plate, under ASTM-SAE standard, we can regard , A537CL1/A633Gr.C,D steel plate as Fine-grain structural steels, normalised rolled steel. A537CL1 steel plate is one mainly of Fine-grain structural steels, normalised rolled steel,A537CL1/A633Gr.C,D steel plate is under ASTM-SAE standard equivalent to DIN:TStE355, EN:S355NL, which with a minimum impact energy of 20J at temperatures not lower than -20 degree and the tensile strength of A537CL1/A633Gr.C,D is 4800 to 620 MPa.

A204 Grade A steel chemical composition(%)Carbon: 0.18-0.25 Manganese max.: 0.90Phosphorus Max.: 0.025Sulfur Max.: 0.025Silicon: 0.15-0.40Molybdenum: 0.45–0.60, A204 Grade A steel mechanical propertiesTensile strength, kis [MPa]: 265-85 [450-585]Yield strength, min, kis [MPa]: 37 [255]Elongation in 8 in. [200 mm], min, %: 19Elongation in 2 in. [50 mm], min, %: 23

The after-sales service department will pay return visit to each customer by call or email, report problems found during the return visit in time, and discuss with the production and quality inspection center to propose effective solutions and follow up in a timely manner, so as to ensure the benefits each customer are fully guaranteed, and to provide customers with more value-added services.

India's Ministry of steel has extended the deadline for steel product certification from April 23 to three months as the Bureau of standards (BIS) has closed factories and laboratories due to the current blockade and travel ban. According to the order of the Ministry of Commerce, "the implementation date of the following Indian Standards is extended for three months after April 23, according to the notice of the order for NM450 steel grade steel products 2000."


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