What is hardness of nm450 sheet equivalent grade

Every customer who has visit us and witness the steel materials before delievry will be impressed by our quality control departemnt. Even not come to inspect the steel materials before delievry, our quality control departemnt will also send inspection report to the customer. For each order, no matter its quantity and value, our quality control departemnt will make strict inspection before delivery, the inspection contents include apperance, tolerance, dimension, mark, special requirements of customers, etc. To guarantee our steel materials sent to the customer is qualified.

15CrMo steel belongs to Pearlite Heat-resistant steel, which has high thermal strength (δb≥440MPa) and oxidation resistance at high temperature (generally not more than 600 ℃), and has certain hydrogen corrosion resistance. So hardness of NM450 sheet, 15CrMo steel is widely used in petrochemical industry. However, due to the high content of Cr, C and other alloy elements in the steel, the hardening tendency of 15CrMo steel is obvious and the weldability is poor. The main problems are hardening in heat affected zone, cold cracks and reheat cracks during post weld heat treatment.

Medium and heavy plate hardness of NM450 sheet inventory spot: 23*3190*9220, 23*2470*8400, 22.5*3050*7300, 23*3500*10800, 21*3500*8840, 22*3400*11550, 29.5*1750*7150, 25*2500*12000, 27*1500*5000, 36*2720*7950, 27*1920*6000, 25*2630*3300, 26*3480*6000, 27*1800*6000, 23*2430*12370, 22.5*2560*6000, 43.5*1600*6000, 28.5*2500*6700, 32*1850*6000, 27.5*3100*6390, 48.5*1600*6000, 23.5*3300*14000, 33*3500*7050, 50*1600*6000.

The bridge steel plate is mainly used for erecting railway bridges, highway bridges, sea crossing bridges, etc. The bridge steel plate is required to have high strength and toughness, bear the load and impact of rolling stock, and have good fatigue resistance, certain low temperature toughness and atmospheric corrosion resistance. The bridge steel plate hardness of NM450 sheet should also have good welding performance and low notch sensitivity. If you want to have a more comprehensive and detailed understanding of bridge steel plate, welcome to visit our official website for consultation.

The company specializes in heavy plate cutting, carbon steel pplate processing, carbon plate welding processing and sales of wide and thick steel hardness of NM450 sheet plates. It has high-quality CNC steel plate cutting and processing equipment, a professional technical personnel team, and supporting logistics distribution and after-sales service system. BBN company provides customers with solutions at low prices, high quality, and fast response service.

It is a modern high-tech professional enterprise integrating scientific research, hardness of NM450 sheet production and sales. The company is mainly engaged in the manufacture, installation and commissioning of boiler and pressure vessel, chemical, metallurgical, petroleum and other equipment, as well as hardness of NM450 sheet process technology development, technology transfer and related technical consulting and technical services.


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