hardox 450 yield strength metal sheets made in China

Every customer who has visit us and witness the steel materials before delievry will be impressed by our quality control departemnt. Even not come to inspect the steel materials before delievry, our quality control departemnt will also send inspection report to the customer. For each order, no matter its quantity and value, our quality control departemnt will make strict inspection before delivery, the inspection contents include apperance, tolerance, dimension, mark, special requirements of customers, etc. To guarantee our steel materials sent to the customer is qualified.

Hardox 450 yield strength,Q420q material is a kind of structural steel plate for bridges, and there are three quality levels Q420qD, Q420qE and Q420qF. When the Q420q plate is required to have the performance in the thickness direction, the symbols Z15, Z25, Z35 representing the performance level in the thickness direction are added after the above-mentioned grades. Namely Q420qDZ15, Q420qDZ25, Q420qDZ35, Q420qEZ15, Q420qEZ25, Q420qEZ35, Q420qFZ15, Q420qFZ25, Q420qFZ35.

Hardox 450 yield strength,Q345C low alloy structural steel plates stock and size available: 13*2600*3800, 11*2890*3950, 14*1580*4700, 151*1600*3300, 14*1820*3050, 32*3200*2950, 11*2530*2450, 14*2000*3400, 127*2320*13200, 14*2720*3300, 32*2000*2950, 11*2250*2700, 26*1830*3650, 6*1800*4000, 14*1850*3350, 36*1700*2800, 12*3770*6600, 32*1900*3500, 15*1050*10000, 125*2810*3750,33*1500*3200, 45*1800*2650, 65*1700*2600 (mm),Hardox 450 yield strength.

Q245R boiler steel plate introduction: Q is the first letter of "Qu" Chinese Pinyin; Number 245 is the yield strength value; R: is the first character of "Rong" Chinese Pinyin. Q245R steel is a special plate for pressure vessels and boilers with a yield strength of 245MPa. It has outstanding mechanical properties and processability. If you have special requirements, our company can supply Z15, Z25, Z35 and other Z performance tests.

Hardox 450 yield strength,After the order is finished, our after-sales service center will send an email to make a feedback about our steel products' quality. We have phone service every three months to remind our customers of the possible problems and collect advices or suggestions in quality and service. Upon the collection of advices or suggestions, our after-sales service will quickly make technical solutions to wipe out the customer problem.

Hot rolled plates are known for their superior mechanical properties over commodity grades of merchant bar The hot rolled plates products are made to specific chemistry and mechanical properties ranges, allowing them to be used in engineered applications Resulting shafts, axles, and gears can be used in the automotive industry and agriculture equipment A36 mild steel has good strength, formability, and excellent welding properties We also can supply welding, fabricating, and bending service,Hardox 450 yield strength.


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