hardox 450 steel welding process Turning

Every customer who has visit us and witness the steel materials before delievry will be impressed by our quality control departemnt. Even not come to inspect the steel materials before delievry, our quality control departemnt will also send inspection report to the customer. For each order, no matter its quantity and value, our quality control departemnt will make strict inspection before delivery, the inspection contents include apperance, tolerance, dimension, mark, special requirements of customers, etc. To guarantee our steel materials sent to the customer is qualified.
S235JR is a European standard non alloy structural steel, equivalent to the national standard Q235B, i.e. S235JR steel is carbon structural steel with low carbon content. S235JR steel is widely used in welding, bolt connection and riveting structures. S235JR steel is mainly used in railway, bridge, all kinds of construction engineering, manufacturing all kinds of metal components bearing static load and unimportant mechanical parts and Hardox 450 steel welding process general weldments that do not need heat treatment.
"Our mill has three production lines:1).2500mm production line (Width: 1600-2300mm, Hardox 450 steel welding process Thickness: 6-30mm, Annual capacity: 1,600,000 Tons; 2).3500mm production line (Width: 2000-3050mm, Thickness: 10-80mm, Annual capacity: 2,000,000 Tons; 3).4300mm production line (Width: 1500-4100mm, Thickness: 6-300mm, Annual capacity: 1,800,000 Tons; The weight of each ingot can reach Hardox 450 steel welding process 44 tons, which is at the leading level in China. In addition, we have a 1700mm hot-rolled coil production line (width range: 900-1550mm, thickness range: 1.2-25.4mm, annual Hardox 450 steel welding process production capacity: 3.5 million tons."
Hardox 450 steel welding process, St52-3 steel is a low alloy, high strength structural steel which can be readily welded to other weldable steel. St52-3 steel’s mechanical properties is yield strength more than 355 MPa, tensile strength 490-630Mpa. For St52-3 steel, the C element content is 0.24%, the Si element content is 0.55% max, the Mn element content is 1.60% max, the P element content is 0.045% max, the S element content is 0.045% max.
The trend of international shipping development of large-scale ships and strategic joint ventures puts forward higher requirements for modern ports. Modern ports no longer use the general cargo throughput as a measure sign, and container throughput will become the main sign to measure the role and status of modern ports. The average container capacity in 2000 is 3200teu, and it is expected to be 5500teu in 2020.
The gas cylinder steel is one of our featured products. The pickled LPG steel is available. We supply gas cylinder steel coil, gas cylinder steel sheet and gas cylinder Hardox 450 steel welding process steel plates. Welcome to consult any question about gas cylinder steel or LPG steel, such as JIS G3116 SG295 coil price, SG255 material properties, SG325 plate dimensions, HP265 equivalent, P245NB steel properties, etc. We are always here to serve you.