hardox 400 machining surface quality should be consistent with the provisions

Every customer who has visit us and witness the steel materials before delievry will be impressed by our quality control departemnt. Even not come to inspect the steel materials before delievry, our quality control departemnt will also send inspection report to the customer. For each order, no matter its quantity and value, our quality control departemnt will make strict inspection before delivery, the inspection contents include apperance, tolerance, dimension, mark, special requirements of customers, etc. To guarantee our steel materials sent to the customer is qualified.

SAPH series steel plates for automobile structures have good stamping and forming properties, and are used to make automobile beams, wheels and other structural parts. Hot rolled high yield strength steel for cold forming has high strength and good cold formability, and is used to make structural parts such as automobile beams. HARDOX 400 machining, The steel for automobile girder has good stamping forming performance, and is used for manufacturing structural members such as longitudinal beams and transverse beams of automobile frames.

WTST 37-3 steel plate is a kind of carbon steel plate. WTST 37-3 steel plate can be used to build low temperature sea water resistant containers. When the customer orders HARDOX 400 machining WTST 37-3 steel plate from us, our factory should roll it in full accordance with SEW 087-2 specification, and the factory will issue the original mill test certificate for inspection before delivery.

HARDOX 400 machining, 13CrMo44 steel plate is a kind of steel which with Cr, Mo,Cr-Mo and mainly used for pressure vessels. The steel grade 13CrMo44 is according to DIN 17155 standard which with the yield strength of 242MPa. The DIN 17155 13CrMo44 steel plate chemical composition is the content of C is 0.15, Mn is 2.00, S is 0.03, Cu is 0.30, Si is 1.00, P is 0.045, Cr is 17 or 19 and the Ni is 8 or 10.

In particular, the EU imports a large amount of iron ore from central and South America and Oceania, which are mainly transported by sea. The perfect port infrastructure makes the port operation cost of EU iron ore raw materials import relatively low. However, the HARDOX 400 machining steel transportation between EU Member States is mainly railway transportation, and the EU member states have established a very developed railway network and railway information infrastructure.

If you are in the search of best quality of HARDOX 400 machining structural steel plate then you have landed on the right place. These high quality structural steel plates are used for a long time as they have a long life due to their best and advance manufacturing techniques. These HARDOX 400 machining plates are best and ideal for temperature rise work, high pressure and tank fabrication work where accurate & excellent toughness is required for better results. Welcome to our factory. We supply our products to all the leading industries and customers who are satisfied with our production and quality.


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  • Wear/Abrasion Resistant Steel Plate/Sheet
  • Wear/Abrasion Resistant Steel Plate/Sheet
  • Wear/Abrasion Resistant Steel Plate/Sheet
  • Wear/Abrasion Resistant Steel Plate/Sheet
  • Wear/Abrasion Resistant Steel Plate/Sheet